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Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

macam2 dialog pendek berbahasa inggris

dialogue 1
 rini       : what do you usually do after class?
 yanti    :  yes, i usually go jogging after class. do you ever exercise after school? 
 rini       : no, i don't exercise very often 

dialogue 2

doni   : you're really fit,alex. do you exercise a lot? 
alex   : well, i go swimming twice a week and i play football once a week 
doni   : wow! i never go swimming 
alex   : do you ever play football?
doni   : no, I don't. I usually play badminton.
alex   : really? how often do you play badminton? 
doni   : I play badminton twice a week. 

dialogue 3

sakti   : I think your father is really fit, robby does he exercise a lot?
robby : Well, he always gets up early in the morning and he usually go for walks. 
              also does yoga.  
sakti   : Wow! how often does he do yoga?
robby : he does yoga three times a week 

dialog beserta artinya 

Lastri:Excuse me, do you mind if I sit down?
:Maaf, apakah kamu keberatan bila aku duduk di sini?
Burhan:No. Let me move my bag.
:Tidak. aku pindahkan dulu saya.
Lastri:Thanks. By the way, do you live in the dorm? I think I’ve seen you there.
:Terima kasih. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah kamu tinggal di asrama? Sepertinya aku pernah melihatmu di sana?
Burhan:Yes, I just moved in last week
:Ya, aku baru saja pindah minggu lalu.
Lastri:I live in the dorm, too.
:Aku tinggal di asrama juga.
Burhan:Oh, really? Do you like it?
:Oh, sungguh? Apakah kamu menyukainya?
Lastri:Yeah, it’s okay. It takes me about 5 minutes to get my first class in the morning
:Ya, tidak ada masalah. Hanya butuh 5 menit ke kelas pertamaku di pagi hari
Burhan:I’m not so lucky. My first class is on the other side of the university. But I’ve got a bicycle, so it doesn’t take too long
:Aku sangat tidak beruntung. Kelas pertamaku di sebelah universitas. Tapi saya bisa naik sepeda, jadi tidak memakan terlalu banyak waktu.
Lastri:I’ve got a bike, too. But I haven’t needed it this semeseter.
:Aku punya sepeda juga. Tapi saya belum membutuhkannya untuk semester ini.
Burhan:Well, this is my stop coming up. By the way, my name is Burhan
:Baiklah, pemberhentianku sebentar lagi tiba. Ngomong-ngomong, namaku Burhan
Lastri:Hi, Burhan. I’m Lastri.
:Hai Burhan. Aku Lastri.
Burhan:Nice to meet you, Lastri. I’ll probably see you around.
:Senang bertemu denganmu, Lastri. Mungkin aku akan menemuimu lagi.
Lastri:Okay, Bye Burhan
:Ok. Selamat tinggal, Burhan.

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